Coffee Flour
Know the Coffee Flour
Coffee Flour tastes nothing like coffee! Not to be confused with coffee-flavoured flour. Coffee flour is in fact made from the husk of dried coffee fruit, similarly to cascara. When coffee fruits are picked and processed, the dried coffee pulp or "husk" is actually discarded. In fact, many million tonnes of husk are discarded every year. In best case scenarios, coffee husk is used as a biofuel or to make fertiliser but this is not very common. As a result, most coffee husk is discarded like food waste, ending up in landfills contributing to massive methane gas emissions. Coffee flour is also gluten free with many sources claiming that it has considerable nutrients: iron, proteins, potassium and even dietary fibers.
What drew us in to coffee flour was it's zero waste angle...but we are loving our discovery of it as an ingredient.
Know the Grower
The Arabica from which this Coffee Flour comes, has been grown by our partner producers in Biligirirangan Hills. This region, BRT as it is fondly known is a magnificent forest with elevational gradients that go from 800 to 1600m! This unique range in altitude enables all major forest types and this in turn produces a magical cup of coffee...and cascara!
How to Use
Coffee Flour: Mocha Mug Cake
1 tbsp coffee flour
2 tbsp cocoa powder
3 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp honey
1/8 tsp salt
1/8 tsp baking powder 1 egg
Beat an egg till fluffy and whisk in the other ingredients till mixed together. Grease a coffee cup with coconut oil and cook in the microwave for 40-45 seconds.
Developed in partnership with The Locavore & Chef Thomas Zacharias